How Healing Candles Can Help You Decompress

Many people use healing candles as a way to bring positive energy to their lives. Candles can be healing and aid in positive mood changes. While candles themselves do not possess inherent healing properties, they are often used as a tool to create a soothing environment, aiding in relaxation, meditation, rejuvenation, and promoting a sense of well-being. The use of…

The Best Fragrances for Your Summer Candles

Candles are not just for the colder seasons, rather, summer candles create a vibe that is a different kind of cozy. Sure, when the temperatures soar, the last thing on your mind might be lighting a candle, but hear us out. A recent study on Nature, Smells, and Wellbeing found that the scent of summer air, and smells related to summer promote…

Atticus the Atelier Pup’s Guide to Pet Safe Candles

Atticus here, the Atelier Pup at Southern Oak Artisan, wagging my tail with excitement to chat about something near and dear to my heart – pet safe candles. Might I add, if you love candles as much as we do in my house, then you may be looking for pet safe candles. Looking into this already makes you a candidate…

Top 10 Small Steps for Crafting Your Eco Friendly Home

If you are looking for what is most commonly found in an eco friendly home, you have come to the right place. We will be covering sustainable living with a touch of Southern Oak Artisan flair. We are sharing the ultimate guide to an eco-friendly home – and trust us, it’s not your average list. From soy candles to embracing vintage…

Candle Gazing: A Meditation Candle Guide

You may have heard of candle gazing in the holistic wellness sphere, but it has many benefits for mental wellness. We’re going to share what a candle gazing meditation is, its benefits, and how to practice a candle meditation. By the time you are finished reading this, you just may be looking for a comfortable position, lighting a candle, and…

Odor Eliminating Candles: How They Work + Why They’re Essential

If you are looking for odor eliminating candles that are safe and actually work, stick around. Safe, aesthetically pleasing, and eliminating odor is our wheelhouse! Reasons for Odor Eliminating Candles There are all kinds of funky smells in homes. Walk into a beach house after it has been closed in the off-season. Yikes! How about a home with teenage, sports…

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